Hair Root Problem


Hair Root Problem

Alopecia areata is a hair loss disease in which small patches are formed on the scalp from which hair falls out. And new hair stops growing. This disease can also occur in one part of the head And in many parts too. Sometimes it becomes so severe that all body hair falls out. At first this disease appears in a small part of the head and this part loses hair. It is usually not noticed by the patient and someone else draws the patient's attention to the above-mentioned baldness. This time is the best time to treat the disease.

If treatment is started at this time, there are good chances of getting rid of the disease. Hair root is closely related to nervous tension. This disease usually develops when the patient has been suffering from mental or emotional stress for a long time. People who do a lot of mental work can also get this disease. In addition to this, constant pain in the head, itching or unusual heat are also causes of this disease

Hair root treatment

Hair Root treatment Massage olive oil on the affected area daily in the morning, afternoon and evening as olive oil helps to reduce the itchiness of the affected area. Sun also causes itchiness on the affected area, so it is useful to treat the disease to expose the affected area to sunlight as much as possible. Blood circulation in the scalp plays an important role in the production of healthy hair, so massage the scalp to increase blood circulation. Never use harsh chemical products

By following all the mentioned methods regularly, hair will start growing in the affected parts of the head. It should be remembered that the newly born hair will be very thin and weak, so it should be cut with a (blade) repeatedly to strengthen the roots of these hairs.

The following diet plan will be useful in this regard

What to eat for breakfast

Use fresh or dried fruit. Along with this, the use of pure wheat flour bread, butter and a glass of fresh pure milk for breakfast is very important to prevent constipation.

Lunch routine

It is very beneficial to use vegetable kassup, lightly cooked egg, vegetables cooked in less spices, and boiled rice.

Dinner routine

Dinner should be vegetable casserole, a little curry and pure wheat flour bread.

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