Showing posts with label Treatment of Asthma Natural Home Remedies for Asthma Body weight loss Catalytic asthma. How to be saved Asthma Symptoms Healthwithheer Show all posts
Showing posts with label Treatment of Asthma Natural Home Remedies for Asthma Body weight loss Catalytic asthma. How to be saved Asthma Symptoms Healthwithheer Show all posts

Treatment of Asthma

Treatment of Asthma

Our lungs contain very small tubes. Asthma affects the passage of air through these tubes. There are small and large breathing tubes in our body. Swelling in these ducts causes fibrosis and makes breathing very difficult. A person suffering from asthma finds it very difficult to exhale. Cardiac asthma is a disease related to the heart, also called a type of asthma. There can be many reasons for this disease like kidney failure of the patient, excessive loss of blood in the body and heart diseases etc.

Asthma Symptoms

Number 1

Breathing rate increases greatly.

Number 2

A whistling sound is produced in the chest when the patient breathes in. Fifty percent of asthma patients have allergies. Allergies can be caused by various things such as dust and different types of food and the remaining 51% of patients have asthma due to infection. Asthma can affect men or women at any age. Children who have allergies in childhood can develop the disease quickly.

Number 3

When the patient coughs, the cough is fibrous, i.e. mucous.

Treatment of asthma. What should a person suffering from asthma do?

A person suffering from this disease is prescribed a medicine in the form of a spray, which the patient keeps in his mouth and inhales, which makes breathing easier. Get the patient to use a similar medicine. If this medicine does not provide immediate relief, then one should be taken to the hospital without wasting time. The patient may need injections or oxygen.

For long-term treatment, it is necessary to consult a respiratory specialist, for which the following points must be considered. It is very important to know what are the items that cause this pain. Smoke, dirt, dust, pets in the house, bedding made of bird feathers, etc., a place where the patient works where there is a lot of smoke or a textile factory etc. All these things can also cause allergy. The best treatment is to protect the patient from all these things

An asthma patient is also given a course called a course of immunization. After conducting various laboratory tests to the affected person, the specialist prescribes this course.

A vaccine that can also benefit the patient is called the influenza vaccine. The patient should do work or exercise that does not cause excessive breathing. The patient should be careful in winter and avoid cold.

Natural Home Remedies for Asthma

Asthma has been treated naturally for centuries. Today, medical science has worked tirelessly in the research of English medicine, which is a source of light in history, but along with this, the indigenous treatment of asthma is also an example. This disease can be cured. The following natural home remedies for asthma are being explained in detail.

1 Deit

A balanced diet Patients with severe asthma need to pay close attention to their diet. Asthma can be cured only when the disease can be brought under control which can be made possible by a balanced diet. Asthma patients should include more fruits and vegetables in their diet, which can provide sufficient amounts of antioxidants, vitamin C and vitamin E, which not only control the patient's weight, but also reduce inflammation in the airways. can also reduce

2 Honey

Using honey can control cough in asthma and relieve sore throat. Honey can be used four to six spoons a day or can be used as needed in any hot drink. The use of honey in patients with severe asthma eases the breathing process.

3 Garlic

Garlic has anti-inflammatory properties. Garlic has many other benefits as well. Asthma is essentially an inflammatory disease, so garlic may be able to treat asthma by reducing inflammation in the airways. Asthma patients should never forget the use of garlic in their diet

4 Ginger

Ginger is one herb that can be used to control severe asthma. Ginger reduces inflammation. Helps the lungs to fully inflate and deflate and improves digestion.

5 Body weight loss

In case of excess weight, it is difficult for the lungs to work because in such a case, the lungs have a lot of difficulty in inflating. A person suffering from asthma should control their weight so that the volume of the lungs can be improved.

Catalytic asthma. How to be saved?

Asthma attacks can be avoided by following the following tips.

Cook yourself to dust.

Mask must be used on the face while cleaning the house or outside the house.

Protect yourself from pet dander at home.

Use an air conditioner to humidify the climate.

Avoid foods that you are allergic to.

Keeping the carpets at home free of dust is possible with the use of a vacuum cleaner.

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