Showing posts with label constipation exercise. Show all posts
Showing posts with label constipation exercise. Show all posts

Constipation Treatment

What is constipation?

Constipation refers to difficulty in defecation. Usually after the food is digested The waste moves slowly to the large intestine It then becomes dry and causes difficulty in defecation, which is called constipation.

Constipation disease in the human body Constipation can be caused by many diseases As if the intestines do not stay in one place in the stomach, there is a hernia in the walls of the intestines, 
A bowel obstruction or excessive narrowing of the bowel. All these diseases can be treated only by a specialist doctor. If someone has complained of constipation for the first time, he should first consult a doctor to prevent any serious illness. Carelessness can lead to dangerous situations. Along with this, lack of food can also cause constipation

Meat, milk and milk products, yogurt and eggs etc. are easily digested by the human stomach. Which creates very little waste while consuming raw vegetables and fruits creates more waste. 
Consumption of sour fruits is also beneficial. Eating fruits produces a special beneficial acid in the stomach and this acidity naturally causes constipation. In particular, as soon as the need to defecate occurs, it should be expelled immediately, as constipation may occur if the stool is stopped.

This situation is faced by most of the school going children. Schools often lack such facilities or teachers refuse to ask the child repeatedly, embarrassing the child. To get relief from constipation, most people start using medicines without consulting a doctor, which can be counterproductive. These drugs cause inflammation in the intestines, which further increases the discomfort

Causes of constipation The main cause of constipation has been proved to be the retention of waste in the large intestine. Nowadays, most of the food and drink are preferred to overly processed foods, which can cause digestive problems and can be harmful to the body. 
Elderly people often consume dairy products like double bread, juice or bagarkhani easily due to weakness, due to which most of the diseases of constipation arise. Along with this, due to lack of physical activity. The bowels in the stomach get less movement, resulting in delayed and difficult stools

Common causes of constipation

1 Dehydration .
2 Lack of fiber in the diet .
3 Physical weakness .
4 Fast food and processed foods .
5 Decrease in body temperature .
6 Stress or depression .
7 A reaction to a drug

Symptoms of Constipation

According to current research, four percent to eleven percent of people suffer from constipation. This number includes more women than men. Symptoms of constipation are as follows. .
1 Abdominal tension .
2 Hard stools .
3 Abdominal heaviness .
4 Feeling of heaviness in the chest after eating .
5 Stomach gas pain

Other Symptoms of Constipation

In this condition, the patient may have a severe headache and feel full and heavy. Most people think that gas goes to the brain, which is not true. In chronic constipation, the left side of the large intestine is divided by spasm, which is called spastic constipation. Spastic constipation can be detected by x-ray. Constipation Treatment - If you have constipation, what should be done in such a situation? 
First, consider why you are constipated. Get all your tests done as directed by your doctor and if surgery is recommended, follow his advice. Also, keep the following in mind.
Consume more water in the diet

Whether you need to defecate or not, defecate one and a half hours after breakfast. 

Use fresh fruits and raw vegetables.

In case of constipation, add spaghol peel to yogurt or water and use it.

Get yourself into the habit of exercise that will keep your body fit and energetic. In order to get relief from constipation, it is important to prioritize walking as much as possible.
Consume foods that are rich in fiber such as fruits, vegetables, pulses and dried fruits.

Twenty to fifty-year-old men should take thirty-eight grams of fiber a day, while women of the same age should take twenty-five grams of fiber a day

30 grams of fiber a day for men over 50 years of age and 21 grams of fiber for women is necessary.

Pregnant and lactating women should consume 28 grams of fiber per day.

Home Remedies for Constipation

Get sure relief from constipation If you are facing any kind of constipation then following are the unique steps which can be followed to make the constipation cure possible.


People who suffer from conditions like constipation should make exercise their routine. Exercising daily keeps the stomach moving and eases bowel movements. Exercising helps in digestion. People suffering from diseases like heart and asthma should do light exercise as advised by their doctor.

Water consumption

Drink more water during constipation. Beverages can also be used. Drinking water keeps the body hydrated. Consuming water moves the bowels and stomach. People with chronic constipation should drink more water. All kinds of drinks can be used, but never drinks that contain sugary soda, as such drinks make constipation worse.

Uses of Bananas

Banana is a fruit that helps in relieving constipation. Raw bananas are rich in starch. It plays an important role in digesting food and prevents our intestines from hardening. Eating a banana in a constipated state speeds up bowel movement.

The use of Dates

Dates are rich in fiber which is very important for our health. The amount of fiber in dates prevents you from suffering from constipation. Eating seven dates a day improves the speed of bowel movements and improves digestion.

Dry Fruits

If you are suffering from constipation, eating dry fruits will help you. Fiber is found in them in sufficient quantity which causes constipation. Eating dry fruits like apricots, almonds, walnuts, pistachios, chalgoza is the best remedy for constipation.

Benefits of Coffee

It is very beneficial for people who suffer from constipation. Drinking coffee stimulates bowel movement and eases bowel movements. Coffee contains caffeine, so drinking a large amount of coffee can sometimes lead to a laxative-like condition.

Benefits of Coconut Oil

Coconut oil increases the amount of metabolites in the body and accelerates bowel movements. Coconut oil helps the waste in the intestines to pass faster. In case of constipation, adding a spoonful of coconut oil to tea or coffee and drinking it makes stool easier to pass

Use of Yogurt

The bacteria and probiotics in yogurt reduce gas, irritation, and bloating. These bacteria present in yogurt keep digestion healthy and benefit the intestines. Yogurt helps in the absorption of numerous vitamins and minerals, which helps in relieving constipation.

Benefits of Kiwi

Kiwi is a fruit that makes the stomach digest food easily. Kiwi fruit contains a lot of fiber. Kiwi is rich in Vitamin C. Kiwi is a nutritious fruit. It contains the enzyme actinidine which relieves indigestion

Use of lemon water

Lemons are rich in vitamin C. The antioxidant present in it drives the water content in the intestines which makes the stool soft. By drinking lemon water, the contents of the intestines are released quickly. Lemon water has been found to be the best for relieving constipation.


Red meat is high in fat which causes constipation. Red meat reduces the amount of fiber in the body. People who suffer from constipation should consume less red meat. Consume foods that are rich in fiber.


Constipation is a very painful phase. All fried foods should be avoided as they contain a lot of oil and salt. Too much salt sucks up all the water in the stomach, causing difficulty in moving the bowels and making it painful to pass stools.

When to consult a Doctor

If you experience any of the following, consult a doctor immediately. .

1 Blood in the stool .

2 Persistent abdominal pain .

3 Stomach inflammation

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